Monday, August 9, 2010

Mother - Topmost influencer in anyone's life

I am back after a long gap of more than a year now. For me the last year was very happening. My life took a completely different direction. 2 sweet little babies came in my life. Its a wonderful experience to be a mother. Out of all the roles I play in my life being a manager/daughter/sister/wife etc., mother is the one which is very special and satisfying.

3 months after birth, your baby's first smile can bring out your tears. Playing with your kids, just like them can make you forget the world. Holding your baby next to you and sleeping or just keeping silent for a while can give you that happiness and satisfaction which nothing else in this world would be able to fulfill.

I also realize that bringing up kids is all together a different challenge and mother plays a very important role in anybody's life. When I think of anyone (husband/neighbour/colleagues), I try to imagine how they must have been brought up in life. How would be there parents? how they must be in childhood days? Any person I see whether its sachin tendulkar or osama-bin-laden, whatever they are, the base for that has been there childhood days and how they were brought up. Looking at that I commit to myself everyday to be a perfect role model for my kids. All parents want to give the best to there kids. I am also one of them.

After meeting Sameer Sir (ISP Teacher), I have come to know many more things about parenting. And not just parenting but being yourself and living every moment happily. I am very thankful to him for showing me the way to live life completely. Whenever any negative thought comes to my mind, I just think about his words and I am back to normal. He has rekindled those hidden feelings inside me and now I can say I am more aware of myself. I have also learned to let go to much extent and am contended to large extent. My kids have become the source of energy for me and as much time I spend with them I get more and more energy.

I thank you almighty for giving me such a wonderful life with 2 lovely little beings around. I cannot ask for anything more and I make a promise today to be ideal role model for my kids. I will let them explore the things on there own, make them independent but will always be around if they need me for guidance. Provide a very loving and happy environment at home but will encourage them to go out and face the world. Will talk to them daily about sad/happy/vow moments in my life and understand and be with them completely when they are talking to me. Will be best companion for them in there plays but will encourage them to go out for social gatherings and make friends. I will always be around them but will never come in there way. I will be there to guide them if they have any queries but will always encourage them to take there own decisions. My kids are my first priority but I have other important roles as well in my life, although mother is the most interesting of all.

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