Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Women of Today

This is my first blog. I don't know what to write, but read few blogs and got inspired to just write about something. Thought of starting with topic 'Women of today'

Till few decades back, majority of women used to come in not working category, most of them being housewife, used to struggle to mark her place in society. And often referred to as wife of or daughter of. This woman wanted her own name & place in society. She wanted to take her own decisions and wanted to be independent. Some of them fought back and managed to get what they wanted, some failed, some didn't even try. Those who succeeded had to struggle a lot to cross the social barrier, to change the mindset of people who were very close to her, be that her father, brother or husband.

Today majority of the women are working. They are successful in there fields. Enjoying the right to equality with men (if I may say so). But are they really independent? This question bothers me many times. They are involved in taking financial decisions (most of high earning women enjoy that right), like buying a new house, furniture, car etc. But still is she enjoying the same rights at home as her husband or brother or father? Doesn't other people around in life expect more from her than they do from her husband? Is she not expected to cook, clean, take care of kids, grocerry etc. Apart from all that she is now expected to earn and perform in her job as well. She has now more duties to perform than before and in return she gets little rights to enjoy. Do you really think she is independent?

Still after marriage, women are expected to be calm, composed, never losing her temper, submissive, the kind of image that was created in many movies for ideal bahu (daughter-in-law) or biwi (wife). Still I find many high earning women going through the phase where she is struggling to leave her mark in job, society, in her varied roles as wife, daughter-in-law, mother. I agree that family is closely bound together because of women and women actually brings strength, organisation and charm in life of other family members. But she should be given rights that she can enjoy along with the duties she is expected to perform. She still needs to take few more steps to be completely free and actually enjoy the freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you got some time out from your project. Anyways,what your are feeling is true. Though women have come far professionally but their home bondage still exists. She stands at a point where there are two roads leading in front - one is career which means putting family on backfoot and the next one is family. She has to compromise somewhere. We have often heard about modern woman being Super woman but personally I feel that you can't put your foot in both the places - career as well as family.
    A child will always seek attention from mother first. Family helpers (cook, maid etc) needs to be monitored by the house lady only. At the end of the day, the so called home minister doesn't have time for herself. Is she living a whole life? Only she can answer.
