Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If I think of instances in past, I realize how my life has changed so much. Infact all of us, who were together for whole day in our college, have now changed. How much fun it used to be, those lectures, practicals, movies, trips. Even we used to study (for namesake) together. Such a bonding we had that even on sundays we used to meet somehow. If we could not, we would call up each other. Friends is all I could think of when I think of my school and college life. My mother used to tell me how many friends you have, she used to be very tired on my birthdays when my friends used to come to my place to wish me and she had to prepare something for all of them. I still remember she used to tell me that on your birthday's you do not have time for us and its only your friends. Even now when I meet any of them or talk to them (once in a while), I feel as if I am still 17 year old. As if life is still same. Some of my friends are doing great in there job, some have flourished business of there own. Almost all married, some have kids (1 or 2 or 3 as well) :) All of them are well settled. Leave alone guys, even girls who only dreamt of being housewives (as they had there dream person with them in college :))are doing something and not following the traditional housewife role which there mother's or older generation did. So I was saying, when I meet them its still the same magic that we share. Even after not talking for months, when we meet and talk, it never happens that we do not have words. We always share the same feelings. I really feel blessed and happy to have not 1 or 2 such friends but many such friends through out from school to my recent job. I share special relationship with everyone but still the old is gold and the friends from school and college bring out that bubbly and cheerful person out of me, unknowingly.

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