Thursday, October 7, 2010


Marriage is foundation of new family where 2 individuals commit to each other to be together for rest of life. Whatever the circumstances they decide to face everything as one. When 'I' changes to 'We'. When while taking even small decisions individuals starting thinking in terms of how is it going to affect the other individual whom s/he did not even know some days back.
Its really surprising how marriages works in India. Most of the arranged marriages are when you meet other person 1-2 times and decide to be with him/her for rest of life. Most of the people are able to find the right person this way or are able to carry the relationship with few adjustments. But What if someone discovers after marriage that the other person is not the one who s/he dreamed about. s/he is not even close to what s/he expected her/him to be. The other person is not bad or s/he doesn't have anything extreme which can be called as the reason for dislike but somehow you don't like her/him. You don't feel like spending time with her/him. Both the persons are not happy with each other. Both of them try to make adjustments but it doesn't work as there is nothing wrong with both of them individually but together they can't have same dreams, same vision, same thoughts. Infact they do not have same level of understanding, there is major difference in their upbringing, culture etc. Even in such circumstances they continue to stay together and show good face in front of others when they are not themselves happy.
Should they both not pursue there own dreams seprately instead of staying together? If that would have been the case in some other country, people would get seperated even on next day after marriage. But in India, although there are increasing number of divorce cases, still people try to not go on that route and continue to make adjustments to such an extent that they stop enjoying everything in life. A cheerful & outgoing person suddenly after marriage becomes very silent. Is it right thing to do?
I am not sure what is right? whether continuing this way for rest of life is good? or whether to leave this and move ahead in life by taking this incident as teaching experience. I think giving some time and even then if its not working out then moving ahead is fine thing to do. But what if the decision of separting is not coming willingly from both the individuals. One person wants to stay with the relationship forever and other wants to run away as soon as possible. Then its a situation where only those 2 indivuduals can mutually decide what is good for them, for their future. They should be able to take mature decision and communicate to the world. Its really difficult for those individuals as it definately changes their life, whatever they decide.

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