Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Next 3 Days

I think the name of the movie was 'next 3 days'. I missed the initial part of the movie as was busy cleaning up the stuff in kitchen after lunch yesterday and my hubby had already started the movie. He thought I would prefer afternoon nap as I was tired after preparing festival lunch and performing the rituals for gudipadwa and my kids went to sleep (which is very rare). I hardly get to sleep in afternoons as for my two little darling (twins), sleeping is never on priority, unlike me :) I opted for lying down in hall, where my hubby was already engrossed in the movie, instead of going in the bedroom and sleeping next to kids. So I missed the initial 10 mins of the movie and later on my hubby told me the name but I don't remember it exactly. As at that time I was again busy in multitasking, getting my kids ready to go to garden and also thinking about what can we have in dinner, also do I have everything ready for tomorrow as we have to go to daycare and office after 3 days of holiday, also did I put the keys in my wallet etc etc. Anyways, the movie was awesome. Be that the story or the acting or the editing. Everything about it was superb. I couldn't close my eyes for even a second. There were not many dialogues and many things left to the audience to interpret. But it is so well acted by Russell Crowe. I just fell in love with that man while watching him. I think my hubby sensed that too :) but his character was written and portrayed in a wonderful way. This man has tried his best to get his wife out of prison. He has appealed and appealed and failed. And then he is forced to accept that this is the kind of life his wife is going to live. It is when his wife attempts suicide and his son is going through all the emotional ups downs without his mother, that is when this man decides that he is going to bring his wife back. And once he has made up his mind, he is ready to do anything and everything. It was thrilling experience. I still have a little hang over, even after a day. I am happy that my kids slept for 2 hours yesterday afternoon and I could watch such a fantastic movie. It was really refreshing after a very long time :)

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