Friday, August 26, 2011

Love & Break-up

See you after the break... 'Milte hai break ke baad'.... Oh I am not talking about the commercial break in television programs. I am talking about the break-up, real hard break-up from the one whom you loved the most. Who, you could not get out of your mind, no matter what you were actually doing? Someone whom you loved passionately and probably more than yourself at one point in time. Everything seemed so beautiful and perfect, just when you were with that person. You always had the feeling which is expressed as 'Made for each other' or 'Soul Mate'.
Suddenly one day you decide to breakup? for what? has that become a fashion? or now you realize that you have come so close to each other that it becomes difficult to live without the other one, and you just don't want to be so much dependent on other person. What is the reason for this breakup? or its just that it was best thing in that situation, now you change the college or organization or move to other city and now you feel that its not going to be same and just don't want to continue with this 'love' anymore. Its hard for you but you still want to take that step.
Such thing has become so common now a days. People madly fall in love and then crazily rise up again in breakup (just to fall in love again). Come on guys, why fall in love when you are more bothered about rising after the fall. Hey I'm not joking here. You see there are so many websites, who give tips over how to get over the worst breakup of your life? I don't know how useful they are but its definitely soothing to find other trapped in the same situation as you. So when you read the testimonial about what others did in that situation, it helps you feel that you have someone else also floating in the same boat and you are more confident of sailing through. I think this formula works in any kind of situation.
So many incidents of breakups are found these days that its really hard to understand if there was any love at first place? People just mutually decide to move on, that too all of a sudden, with no real reason. I have difficulty in understanding this kind of breakup. Breakups used to happen earlier also but they were different. They were not like love passionately for few days and then breakup never to see again with mutual consent. And even if you happen to see as sometimes its unavoidable, you maintain a good friendly relationship. What kind of relationship is this? Is that people can now switch on & off their emotional buttons. is there nothing like commitment left in these relations? What if someone is not aware and gets trapped in this new kind of emerging relation?
I know most of my blogs lately have questions & questions? may be because I have twin two year old kids who just keep on asking & asking tirelessly. Its just their influence on me. But this time I am really worried about this matter. Come on guys, let love be what it has been ever since the time of Laila-Majnu, Romeo-Juliet etc. Do not play with and test others and your emotions. And have some basic values of sacrifice & commitment in this most fulfilling relationship. Its the only relation that clicks through heart & remains the most mysterious & rewarding thing in any one's life. Just don't call it love when you do not have these feelings. It can be called anything else but love. And by chance there is a love that ends up because of some reason, do not try to find it again in something or someone else and make a joke out of it. Just feel lucky that it was with you for a while and you had those 'best moments' of your life. On the scientific aspect, the chemicals that your mind produce when you are really in love with someone cannot be produced again for someone else. So there is no point in you trying hard to get the same feeling for someone else. Stop your mad rush and let it click again. Who knows next time if (ever) it clicks, your mind will produce something that can give you a real 'high' that you never experienced before. But whatever it is, let love be love and even if it ends let it remain as love. The feelings and emotions that you experience are always yours and can never be taken away by anyone.